Jenna D. Leveraged education benefits for professional growth

Meet Jenna D.

As a Loan Analyst and Help Desk Support Specialist at PNC, Jenna D. excels in assisting branch representatives and managing client inquiries about home equities and mortgages. She also manages call volumes efficiently to maintain uninterrupted service. 

But Jenna harbors a deep-seated passion for learning and career advancement beyond her day-to-day responsibilities. Recognizing an opportunity to expand her skill set, Jenna discovered that PNC  offers employee education benefits. 

Eager to broaden her horizons and enhance her professional capabilities, she enrolled in the Business Analytics and Operations Certificate


What motivated Jena to take advantage of her employee education benefits?

Jenna found her role very fulfilling, but she wanted to expand her horizons and continue to grow in her career. This fueled her decision to pursue an online certificate through Pathstream. She said:

I’ve always been keen to learn more about diverse subjects, and the timing for these benefits couldn’t have been better. I will admit I didn’t know much about what a project manager or business analyst was truly. I had an idea, but the courses helped me understand it better. So that’s why I decided on this program.


Jenna’s experience with Pathstream 

During her Pathstream journey, Jena embraced practical learning, appreciating how the course content directly applied to her job. She also found that flexible learning did not disrupt her work schedule.

Jena said, “The hands-on part of the courses was great for me. I learn better by doing things rather than just reading about them.

She also found the quizzes helpful as she explained, “I liked that after a quiz, I could go back and review. It made sure I understood what I was learning.

One of the biggest benefits for Jenna was improving her organizational skills. She learned these skills from the project management courses in the program. Jenna implemented her new project management skills at work within OneNote. 

Jenaa learned how to plan and prioritize her work better. This helped her create procedures that helped other representatives on her team decrease their search time and increase her productive efficiency.



Jenaa’s new skills open up opportunities for growth

Jenna’s newly acquired project management and business analytics skills helped her improve in her current role and opened up new doors within the organization. She demonstrated her proactive mindset and contacted the project management teams, expressing interest in joining them. 

I like project management, and I reached out to our department. They don’t have a position open now, but they would keep me in mind.

Jenna is keenly aware of the company’s evolving needs and is preparing to meet these future challenges. I am getting ready for what’s coming next. I’m ensuring that I’ll be ready and qualified with my certificate when a position opens up.

She has demonstrated her strategic mindset through the program and identified career advancement opportunities within her organization. Proactively, she communicated her professional aspirations to the relevant department, positioning herself as a candidate for internal career growth and consideration.


Return on investment for the organization

Jenna’s journey with Pathstream highlights a significant return on investment for employees and organizations. By exploring and learning new skills in areas like project management, Jenna has not only added to her resume but also added more value to her team and the company as a whole. 

When I started the program, I was unsure about what project management involved. But learning about it opened my eyes to new possibilities and ways I can contribute to my company. It’s been worth it, and I’m glad I did this.


Encouraging colleagues to embrace learning opportunities

Definitely go for it! Start with the programs that the company pays for. It’s a great way to dip your toes and see if you like it. There are various programs to choose from, and learning new skills opens up new career paths.

Jena’s experience is a prime example of how investing in employee education can lead to a more versatile and capable workforce. Does your employer offer education benefits? Find out today by checking out our programs page. 


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