Soft Skills: The Unexpected key to career growth

soft skills

In the modern workplace, the importance of soft skills for career growth can’t be overstated. While technical expertise is vital, soft skills – your ability to communicate effectively, work as part of a team, adapt to change, and solve problems creatively – often determine your potential for career advancement.


The Increasing importance of soft skills

Soft skills are the personal attributes that enable us to interact harmoniously with others. More than ever, employers are recognizing the value of these skills. 

They understand that an employee’s ability to handle interpersonal relationships, demonstrate emotional intelligence, and exhibit other key soft skills can significantly impact an organization’s productivity and morale. 

A survey from LinkedIn reveals that 57% of senior leaders today value soft skills more than hard skills, emphasizing the growing demand for these abilities across various industries.

In this article, we will delve into the essential soft skills required for career advancement and share practical strategies for their development.


5 Key soft skills for career growth

While many soft skills can enhance your professional profile, certain ones are particularly conducive to career growth. These include:

  1. Communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively is fundamental in any work setting. For instance, a project manager must relay the project’s objectives and deadlines to their team clearly, while also ensuring they’re open to queries and suggestions.
  2. Teamwork: Collaborating with others towards a common goal is critical to most jobs today. For example, in a sales environment, a Salesforce administrator and a sales representative need to work together closely. The Salesforce admin configures the system to track customer interactions, providing the sales rep with crucial data to understand customer needs and close deals faster. 
  3. Adaptability: In an ever-changing work environment, being flexible and open to change is invaluable. A graphic designer, for instance, might need to adapt their design multiple times based on client feedback or changing project specifications.
  4. Problem-solving: Employers highly value the ability to identify problems and formulate practical solutions. An IT support specialist, for example, is constantly faced with unique technical issues and must use their problem-solving skills to diagnose and fix these problems promptly.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your emotions and empathizing with others can lead to more substantial work relationships and a more positive work environment. A manager using emotional intelligence might recognize when a team member is struggling and offer support or additional resources to help them succeed.


How to develop soft skills

Enhancing your soft skills involves a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. Here are some key strategies to help you develop your soft skills:

  1. Seek feedback: Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for self-improvement. Regularly request feedback from colleagues, supervisors, or mentors to gain insights into your performance and potential areas for growth. Don’t just seek feedback during formal reviews – make it an ongoing process. This will help you identify gaps in your soft skills and provide you with a clearer path to improvement.
  2. Practice Empathy: Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial soft skill. In the workplace, it can lead to stronger relationships, improved teamwork, and better customer service. To develop empathy, actively try to put yourself in others’ shoes. Listen attentively to others, show genuine interest in their experiences, and strive to view situations from their perspective.
  3. Embrace Lifelong Learning: The journey to developing soft skills continues after formal education. It’s a lifelong process that involves continuous learning and development. Numerous resources are available to help you build your soft skills, such as workshops, online courses, books, podcasts, and more. Look for opportunities to learn both inside and outside the workplace. For instance, taking a leadership certificate can provide unique experiences that help you develop empathy, communication, teamwork, and other soft skills.
  4. Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you get. Whether it’s public speaking, collaboration, or problem-solving, take every opportunity to implement these skills. Use day-to-day interactions and situations as a platform to refine and perfect your soft skills. Over time, you’ll find that these skills will become second nature, influencing your professional life and personal interactions.

Remember, developing soft skills is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort, but the payoff in terms of career growth can be significant.

Showcasing Soft Skills in Your Professional Life

Your resume, job interviews, and day-to-day work interactions provide opportunities to showcase your soft skills. For instance, you can demonstrate your communication skills in articulating your ideas during a meeting. 

Your adaptability can be displayed when handling changes in a project’s scope. Digital platforms like LinkedIn also provide a space to highlight your soft skills and receive endorsements from colleagues and managers.



The significance of soft skills in the path to career growth is undeniable. While technical abilities may get your foot in the door, your soft skills often open most doors. 

By working on developing these skills and showcasing them effectively, you’ll equip yourself with a critical tool for professional success.



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