Your Guide to breaking into Amazon’s high-paying jobs with no experience

Amazon's High-Paying Jobs

The world’s biggest online retailer needs no introduction. Amazon is a global powerhouse in e-commerce and technology. It employs over a million people in the United States, making it the world’s fifth-largest company by market cap.

However, the future fate of many of those employees might be in jeopardy. Technology is changing quickly. Many roles at Amazon will soon become outdated. Upskilling is essential for career progression and job security.

The good news? Amazon wants to help. 

If you work for Amazon, breaking into these high-paying jobs with no experience may have seemed like a fantasy in the past. But with Pathstream, it’s now a reality. Through a partnership with Pathstream, existing employees can now take free continuing education courses to update their skills and move into new tech, sales, and operations roles. 

This guide will inform you about Amazon’s high-paying jobs. It will also explain the importance of upskilling. Lastly, it will show you how Pathstream can help you acquire the skills needed to reach your career goals. 

Understanding Amazon’s High-Paying Jobs

Amazon has a variety of high-paying jobs employees can break into. Depending on their strengths and existing skill sets, employees can take upskilling courses to advance into various exciting new roles. Generally, these jobs are divided into three broad categories: tech, sales, and operations. Let’s take a closer look at some of the positions in each category and the skills needed to be successful:

Tech jobs

  1. Software developers and engineers require higher levels of technical proficiency. Employees in this field create applications, platforms, and tools that drive Amazon’s services.
  2. Data scientists and analysts use large amounts of data to generate insights and inform decision-making. These roles require understanding how to aggregate massive data sets through algorithmic analysis and draw conclusions about a company’s future direction.
  3. Cybersecurity professionals protect the company’s systems and networks from potential threats.
  4. Jobs in IT infrastructure involve designing, implementing, and maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure that supports Amazon’s daily operations.

Sales and Marketing jobs

  1. Account managers foster and build long-term client relationships by continually meeting their needs. Soft skills like communication, empathy, and leadership are key qualifications for these roles.
  2. Business development professionals focus on finding and developing growth opportunities. They work closely with others in sales and marketing; leadership and communication skills are also crucial to these positions
  3. Digital marketers reach target audiences through different mediums and online channels to advertise and promote Amazon’s products and services. Those interested in digital marketing will learn various skills. Communication skills are essential. They will also learn how to optimize social media and use the latest tools to maximize outcomes. 

Operations and logistics jobs

  1. Supply chain managers oversee the flow of goods from suppliers to customers. They’re responsible for many logistical tasks and ensure smooth, cost-effective supply-chain operations.
  2. Procurement specialists at Amazon source and purchase different products, materials, equipment, or services for their operations.
  3. Those in transportation and logistics coordinate Amazon’s vast product network to ensure the correct package is delivered on time.
  4. Warehouse managers are responsible for various daily operations at Amazon’s many warehouses, including managing inventory, staffing, and productivity.

Whether you’re interested in tech, customer service, leadership, management, or logistics, Amazon has plenty of room for growth and internal promotions. Update your skills with upskilling courses. You can even learn new ones to get a higher-paying job in the same company. Take advantage of this opportunity to increase your earning potential. 

The Importance of Continuing Education and Upskilling

With 70% of businesses doing more upskilling now than before the pandemic, it’s no longer a question of whether employees will need to update their skills but a matter of when. 

Continuing education and upskilling are about learning new skills and updating old ones to remain competitive in the evolving job market. In other words, we must embrace change and adapt to succeed.  

Everyone benefits. 

Both employers and employees benefit from upskilling efforts. As employees increase their earning potential and job security, companies gain a more capable, versatile, skilled workforce. Continuing education is about everyone’s success.

Companies like Amazon have realized that the key to success is not to replace but to reskill their current employees. This allows them to take on more responsibilities and higher-paying positions.

Pathstream is essential in helping Amazon employees succeed. It provides them with the chance to hone their skills and become more successful.

Pathstream’s Role in Preparing You for Amazon’s High-Paying Jobs

Pathstream’s course offerings directly address the skills employees will need to thrive in one of Amazon’s many high-paying jobs. By identifying specific skill sets and designing courses around them, upskilling with Pathstream is easy, straightforward, and effective.

Let’s look at the three skill sets Pathstream’s courses focus on:

Technical skills

Pathstream’s Data Analytics course will teach you how to work with data using tools like Excel, SQL, and Tableau to generate insights and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Additionally, the Digital Marketing course will improve your technical proficiency in using social media, online channels, and other digital tools to adapt to the new advertising model.

Soft skills

Pathstream courses also teach soft skills to employees. Long neglected in the workforce as less valuable, we now understand that soft skills are essential to future success. Upskilling these crucial abilities will be critical to advancing to higher-paying jobs. 

Some of the soft skills Pathstream courses focus on include:

  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Effective communication 
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Management and leadership

Pathstream’s Salesforce Admin course teaches everything from business development and customer relationship management (CRM) to building dashboards and generating reports.

Pathstream’s Project management course helps you drive organizational growth and achieve long-term objectives through leadership, agile methodologies, and strategic planning.

Practical Tips for Breaking into Amazon’s High-Paying Jobs with No Experience

Pathstream students have found success with the free program. They have been able to upskill themselves and earn high-paying jobs at Amazon and other companies. Like Carlos and Sylvia, dozens of students took advantage of Amazon’s partnership with Pathstream and upskilled into data analytics roles. 

You can do it too. Here are a few practical tips:

Know yourself

The first step is identifying your strengths. Take a personal inventory of your skills and consider what you want to learn. It’s also important to be realistic. For example, someone who’s never worked directly with clients and isn’t comfortable with sales would focus their upskilling on other areas, like logistics or analytics.  

Do some research 

Figure out the available positions in your company and determine the in-demand skills needed for a particular job. The more you know about what a company is looking for, the better you can address specific upskilling needs and increase your chances of success.

Research is also vital when it comes to choosing the right Pathstream course. Although each course is specifically designed to help you transition to a better-paying job, they may not all be right for you, so research and determine your strengths and what skills suit you best. 

Build a professional resume.

This is a simple but important step. A resume is often your first contact with a potential employer, and ensuring your CV is polished and professional is paramount to getting off on the right foot. 

Develop an online presence.

An easy way to do this is to create a personal website to advertise your skills and services. Additionally, having a social media presence can help you connect with other professionals, learn trade tricks, and meet potential employers. 

Learn how to network effectively.

Strategic networking can help you achieve your career goals. And today, networking isn’t just about meeting a lot of people or writing many emails.

You need to identify people within your organization that can provide guidance and opportunity. Reach out to these individuals. They may introduce you to other people who can help you. For more tips on how to network effectively, watch out video below:

Prepare for interviews

Going into an interview unprepared is something you should never do. A lot goes into successful interview preparation, from researching the company to planning your transportation, choosing your attire, and asking insightful questions. 

It also helps to review some typical job interview questions and rehearse your answers in advance. 

No Time To Waste

Upskilling and continued education are about more than just learning new skills; they’re investments in yourself and your future. The current juggernaut of technological advancements and the accompanying changes it will bring are inevitable. Whether you stay relevant or are left behind may hinge on your upskilling decisions today. 

By partnering with tech companies and universities, Pathstream offers upskilling and continuing education courses to help you move up and advance your career at companies like Amazon. Focusing on the most in-demand skills and qualifications can increase your employability and establish future job security.  

Are you an Amazon employee eligible for Career Choice benefits? Find out how Pathstream can help you land a high-paying job without experience by speaking to an enrollment advisor. With the proper education and determination, you can break into Amazon’s high-paying jobs and secure a brighter future for yourself.

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