7 Reasons Salesforce Admin is a top career choice

7 Reasons Salesforce Admin Is a Top Career Choice

Since the outset of 2020, the global pandemic has profoundly impacted the worldwide economy. In response, millions of people have begun to rethink their current career path in hopes of finding a more stable profession.

During this widespread transition, many people are seeking to acquire new skills so that they can step into high-demand professions. You may have even started this exciting process yourself.

With that in mind, our experts wanted to take a closer look at one such profession known as “Salesforce Administration.” Below we discuss seven reasons why a Salesforce Admin career choice may be the perfect solution if you seek better pay, rewarding work, and job stability.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a hugely popular customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

This powerful tool allows businesses to integrate various connected applications to maintain a 360-degree overview of the entire organization. Salesforce facilitates the seamless sharing of data between multiple apps and digital tools.

Salesforce falls under the umbrella of software as a service (SaaS). Customers (businesses) pay a monthly subscription to access this cloud-based software.

This technology allows organizations to track consumer activity, improve marketing tactics, and more. The agility and versatility of Salesforce are why the platform is one of the most widely used CRMs globally.

Responsibilities of a Salesforce Administrator

Salesforce Administrators bridge the gap between their organization and the Salesforce platform. They are expected to deeply understand the platform, its support applications, and its overall capabilities.

In short, they are tasked with streamlining business processes by helping their employers optimize the effectiveness of the technology.

Depending on the organization’s size, they may hire a single Salesforce Admin or employ an entire team to manage their CRM platform. Larger companies may task a senior Salesforce Admin with overseeing project management. The Salesforce Admin may also be responsible for:

  • Maintaining the Salesforce platform
  • Ensuring that users of all skill levels can use the platform
  • Facilitating marketing automation
  • Assisting with protecting customer relationships
  • Staying up-to-date on the platform’s capabilities and new Salesforce products

Salesforce Admin may help sales personnel create personalized alerts to improve their effectiveness. They may also work with organizational leadership to develop custom dashboards so that these decision-makers can gain additional insights into the performance of their respective departments or teams.

Why a Salesforce Admin career choice is a good decision

Now that we have covered the basics of what Salesforce is and the responsibilities of a Salesforce Administrator, let’s discuss the benefits of this exciting career field:

1. High Demand

One of the most appealing aspects of this profession is that it is in extremely high demand. As an increasingly large segment of businesses seeks to expand their online presence, these organizations will develop a need for robust CRM software.

While there are many options available, a large percentage of these businesses will likely choose Salesforce due to its capabilities and user-friendly design.

Naturally, this will fuel a continued increase in demand for Salesforce Administration professionals. According to some figures, approximately 4.2 million more Salesforce Admin jobs will become available by 2024.

2. Good Salary

If you are looking for a stable career field that also pays very well, then Salesforce may be for you. According to the Burning Glass, Salesforce Administrators earn approximately $84K annually. Top earners bring in more than $94K per year, whereas even the bottom 10% of Salesforce Admins earn nearly $70K annually.

As you gain experience as a Salesforce Administrator, you may decide that you would like to take on additional responsibilities.

If so, then you can consider becoming a certified Salesforce developer. Generally speaking, developers perform much more technical work and are compensated accordingly, with some devs bringing in over $300,000 per year.

3. Challenging Field

If you are on the hunt for a bland, redundant career path, then Salesforce Admin is not for you. However, if you look forward to tackling new challenges and flexing your creative problem-solving skills, then you will thoroughly enjoy being a Salesforce professional.

Each day, you will be tasked with streamlining the Salesforce platform, creating custom dashboards or fields in order to meet organizational needs, and solving other pain points for your employer. This work will ensure that every shift is both rewarding and exciting, as no two days at the office will be the same.

5. Work with a Variety of Clients

When you make the decision to become a Salesforce Administrator, you will have the opportunity to work with talented professionals from a whole host of industries.

If you are employed by a large organization, you will work hand in hand with other admins, as well as individuals in various departments such as sales, accounting, and customer service.

Conversely, you can elect to become a freelance Salesforce Admin or can accept a position with a third-party Salesforce Administration firm.

These firms offer outsourced Salesforce Admin services to smaller businesses that do not need to hire a full-time team. When working as a freelancer or outsourced admin, you will interact with clients from virtually any industry you can imagine.

6. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills

While Salesforce Administrators possess a dynamic set of skills, at their core, they are problem solvers. Everyone from VPs to line-level employees turn to their company’s Salesforce Admin anytime they encounter an issue with the CRM platform.

A great admin will be able to seamlessly transition from person to person and provide them with the ideal solution to the challenge they are facing.

As you gain additional experience within the profession, you will find that your problem-solving skills will grow. You will also develop better time management capabilities and learn to balance all of your various responsibilities.

7. The Industry Is Growing

Finally, Salesforce Administration is a great career because the entire industry is growing. Salesforce is constantly adding new tools and capabilities to its platform so that it can better serve its broad array of clients.

As it continues to do so, new industries will begin to adopt the technology so that they can become more competitive in a crowded marketplace.

So what does that mean for you? Ultimately, a more expansive industry will lead to new Salesforce Administrator jobs, better salaries, and the freedom to choose who you want to work for. Sounds pretty exciting, right? We think so too.


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