9 Helpful project management tips

9 project management tips

Congratulations! You’ve just landed your dream position in project management. Now what? This industry can be overwhelming with all the new terminology, methodologies, and software.

As a project manager, it’s your job to keep the team in sync and produce amazing results that everyone will love. You need to be the conductor to ensure the final project is a beautiful symphony. At Pathstream, we will equip you with essential project management skills to help you work in any field. We give you the skills to handle all the five principles of project management, which include:

  1. Define the project scope and objectives
  2. Identify the project team and stakeholders
  3. Develop a project plan
  4. Execute and monitor the project
  5. Close the project

If you are yearning to become the best project manager you can be, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve compiled 9 of the best project management tips to help you get started.

What are our top project management tips?

1. Define the scope of the project

Before you start thinking about managing your project, you must define its boundaries. This means figuring out what the project includes and what it doesn’t. Ask yourself:

  • What are the goals of the project? 
  • What’s the end goal? 
  • What are the deliverables
  • What are the constraints?

Projects can quickly become overwhelming if their scope is not well defined. A clear scope gives the project manager and team a shared understanding of what needs to be accomplished. It also provides a framework for deciding what should be included in the project and what can be left out. Doing this enables you to prevent scope creep and resource wastage. Scope creep occurs when the scope of a project gradually expands without being formally updated.

2. Develop a project plan

A project plan is a file that outlines the steps needed to complete a project. Creating a project plan can seem like a daunting task, but it’s essential to have one to stay organized and on track. The best way to develop a project plan is to start with a clear goal and then break it down into lesser tasks you can complete in a given timeframe.

Developing a project plan is a crucial project management goal because it ensures that all project stakeholders have a shared understanding of the project’s goals and objectives and the project timeline and budget. A project plan also ensures that the project stays on track and does not go over budget or timeline.

project planning

3. Set realistic milestones

When you’re setting milestones, it’s important to be realistic. You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment by putting too much pressure on yourself. You need to create a timeline and list of tasks that need to be completed to meet your milestone and then break those tasks into manageable steps. That way, you’ll always know what you need to do, and you won’t feel overwhelmed.

If you’re having trouble meeting a milestone, take a step back and figure out where you went wrong. Sometimes it’s necessary to adjust your timeline or change your approach to succeed.

4. Manage risks

In any project, there are always risks. These are the things that could go wrong and cause problems. These could be risks to the project itself or the people working on it. Managing risks is an important goal for any project manager because it guarantees that the project runs smoothly and successfully.

By identifying and assessing risks and then putting in place plans to deal with them, the project manager can help avoid or mitigate any potential problems. This increases the project’s chances of completion on time, within budget, and to a high standard. Here are a few key things to keep in mind when managing risks:

  • Create a risk management plan and document potential risks and how you plan to address them.
  • Keep track of risks as the project progresses and update your plan.
  • Communicate with team members about any risks that may impact them.
  • Manage risks by taking action, such as suspending work or changing deadlines as needed.
  • Celebrate successes along the way to help keep everyone motivated and on track.

5. Manage changes

One of the most important goals of project management is to manage changes effectively. Why? Because changes are inevitable in any project, managing those changes can mean the difference between success and failure.

As a project manager, it’s important to be proactive in managing changes and have a system in place for dealing with them. Some common methods for managing changes are change orders, change management plans, and change logs.

Change orders are documents that outline the specific changes that have been made to the project, while change management plans and logs track all changes made and the associated impacts. No matter the source of change, it is important for project managers to manage it effectively. This is because change can have a big impact on a project, and if it is not appropriately managed, it can lead to project failure.

Some of the problems that can occur as a result of poor change management include:

  • Scope creep

This is when the project scope starts to increase without being adequately controlled. This can lead to the project taking longer than expected and costing more than planned.

  • Loss of control

It often happens if there are too many changes happening at once. This can make it difficult to keep track of what is happening and can lead to things being done that were not part of the original plan.

  • Inefficiencies

This occurs if changes are not made in a coordinated way. This can lead to repetition of effort and wasted time and resources.

  • Poor quality

This happens if changes are implemented without considering the impact on quality. This can lead to a product or service that does not meet the required standards.

6. Monitor progress

Progress monitoring is important for project managers because it allows them to track whether the task is on schedule and within budget. As a project manager, progress monitoring allows you to identify potential risks and address issues before they become major problems. This ensures that the project is proceeding as planned and that any issues are quickly resolved.

There are many different ways to monitor progress, but some common methods include tracking milestones, tasks, and deliverables; keeping tabs on budget and schedule; and using earned value management.

7. Communicate regularly

One of the most crucial project management goals is to ensure that all project stakeholders are updated on the latest project information. This includes positive news, such as milestones being met or exceeded, and negative news, such as delays or cost overruns.

Stakeholders need this information to make informed decisions about the project. For example, if a project is behind schedule, the stakeholders need to know to decide whether to apportion additional funds to the project to get it back on track.

Communication also allows team members to stay up-to-date on the project’s progress. This is important as it ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal. Additionally, regular communication can help to identify and resolve any potential problems that may arise. Doing so can help keep the project on track and prevent any delays. Moreover, keeping team members always in the loop can help to build and maintain good working relationships. This is important because it creates a positive and productive work environment.

project management tips - communication

8. Keep an eye on the budget

Managing a project’s budget is one of the most important aspects of project management. It can be tough to stay on track, but it’s crucial to avoid overspending and keep your project on schedule.

However, there are a few things you can do to remain within the budget, which includes:

  • Create a realistic financial plan and stick to it
  • Track your spending and update your team regularly
  • Find creative ways to save money without compromising on quality or deadlines

9. Celebrate successes and learn from failures

One of the best things about project management is that it’s a learning process. Every success and failure teaches you something new that you can use to improve your skills for future projects.

So, make sure to celebrate your successes, but don’t forget to learn from your failures as well. Analyze what did not go according to plan and what you could have done better, and use that information to make your next project even more successful.


Whether you’re a recent graduate struggling to find a job or stuck in a low-paying job that doesn’t seem to have any room for growth, acquiring project management skills can be extremely beneficial. Not only will they help you manage and complete your own projects more effectively, but they can also make you stand out to potential employers.

Are you looking to learn more project management tips or become a project management wizz? Pathstream offers a comprehensive online project management course that covers everything from the basics of project management to more advanced concepts. The course is designed for both new and experienced project managers and is self-paced so that you can work at your own pace. 

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